Meet Our Herd

Nigerian Goats

We have named all of our Nigerian Goats after sweet treats, because they are all just as sweet as their fitting names. All of these boys love to jump and play within their interactive enclosure during the day, and can be found snuggled up together at night. They all get very excited when they see visitors arrive, because they know that means yummy treats and lots of love is coming their way.

Miniature Cows

Mini Belted Galloway

Barnaby and Finn are a very special breed of Miniature Cow that keeps them small in stature, and long in fur. Belted Galloway Cows have a wonderful disposition and love human interaction. They can frequently be seen taking a nap in the sun or grazing in the pasture. They are sure to steal your heart!


Our alpaca boys made their journey to us all the way from Ohio, and have made themselves right at home. These boys are sure to entertain you with their quirky personalities and calming ‘hums”.  Alpacas are one of the smallest member of the camelid family, and love to socialize. When meeting new people, they become very curious and enjoy figuring out how to play with you!

Miniature Donkeys

Our four Mini Donkey boys were the first on the farm, back in May of 2021. Lil’ Buckaroo is one of the smallest donkeys in the world and has quite a personality, so naturally we had to name the farm after him! Not only do they get to enjoy good pets and love from our visitors, but they are very smart and talented. All four are trained to work in a therapy setting, and do well being led through various obstacles to help their human in need. Don’t be fooled by their calm and quiet demeanor, these boys also love to run around and play tug of war with their toys as often as possible!

Sulcata Tortoise

Sheldon is a Sulcata Tortoise - otherwise known as an African spurred tortoise. He is in his 30’s and weighs 102 pounds! He loves to eat grass and be scratched on his shell. Although Sulcata’s prefer to live as a solo tortoise, don’t you worry, Fern the pig is Sheldon’s best friend and shares a home with him. You can find them snuggling together in the hay or wandering the aisle of the barn causing mischief.

Miniature Horses

These mini horses are as sweet as can be. Pixie is a six-year-old mare that loves a good neck scratch. Boo is just a foal that loves to run and play. These guys love spending time on pasture with the mini cows or taking a walk around the pond.

Miniature Vietnamese Pot-Bellied Pigs  

These beautiful girls are sure to brighten your day! These four girls are sisters, and can be told apart from one another by the different spots on their bodies. Pigs are extremely intelligent and easy to clean up after and care for. They all have very different personalities, but have two things in common, they LOVE belly rubs, and will curl up into your lap if given the chance!

Babydoll Sheep

Meet our four Babydoll Sheep boys. They have a very sweet and curious personality. They do really well when visitors kneel down to greet them. They are also very musically talented and prove this to be true when they “Baaaa” in harmony.

Valais Blacknose Sheep

Fuzzy,Wuzzy, and Muppet are a breed known as the Valais Blacknose Sheep which originated in Switzerland. The Valais Blacknose Sheep have been a part of a Breed Up Program here in the United States since 2017. Wuzzy is an F1 meaning that she is only 61.5% Valais. Fuzzy and Muppet are F2 and are 75% and have more of the breed standard features like black knee patches, black feet, a black face, and curly wool from head to toe whereas Wuzzy is very stylish with a pop of black color right on the top of her head. They are very gentle, curious, and loving. Their favorite activity, aside from running in the pasture and grazing on grass, is snuggling up in the sun together to take a midafternoon nap. 

Flemish Giant Rabbits

Cedar and Ash are Giant Flemish Bunny weighing in at about 19 pounds! Flemish Giants are known to be very social bunnies when it comes to people. They enjoy exploring the world around them and have a strong sense of smell. They love hopping around looking for veggies and black oil sunflower seeds. After a morning of exploring, they enjoy taking a nap stretched out in the sun or snuggled up in the hay.

Holland Lop Rabbits

We can’t get enough of these two cuties! Butternut and Sassafras are much smaller than their giant rabbit friends weighing in at only 8 pounds!
Holland Lops are known for being gentle, friendly, and playful. They enjoy human interaction and can form strong bonds with their humans.

Silkie and Satin Chickens

All named after movie stars, our chickens are the hit of the farm. The Silkie chickens are distinguished by the pom pom on their heads and the fur-like feathers on their legs and feet. Silkie and Satin chickens come in a variety of colors.

Behind The Scenes- Barn Cats

Out of sight but not out of mind -brothers Lightning McQueen and Francesco. Snoozing during the day in whatever lap they can find and mousing at night. These two have stolen our hearts!